Ever wake up and have one of those days where you really loved your life? I have those often, but today was definitely one of those days. My alarm clock went off early... too early for a Saturday. I was excited and slightly angered. I knew it meant to get my sore and achy body up and get ready for spin class. I kept hoping I was going to get that text from Jill that spin was a no-go. So instead of getting up, I went back to sleep. I woke up to Spawn's alarm clock going off... I freaked thinking I slept through Sunday and it was Monday! I painfully rolled over and looked at my phone... no, it was Sunday, and it was 6:30am. Took me a bit to get out of bed, but Spawn's annoying alarm motivated me. I retrieved the phone from his room and smiled... I miss that kid when he's not home! Needless to say, I went back to bed. Forever later I opened my eyes to a bright room and a hungry feline trifecta. It was my text notification that woke me up... Jill saying spin wasn't happening, a few hours after it ended, which I was totally cool with! I laid there a bit longer. Smiling at the pain I felt in my legs, stretching while in bed, thinking of all I still had to accomplish today, and thinking about what an awesome day yesterday was. Woke up early, ventured out to experience crossfit... can I get a HELL YEA!?!? All I can say is I think I found my newest addiction. Left there, picked up Jill and went to bootcamp. Dropped her off and went to the post office. Came home, ate like a caveman, cleaned critter boxes, tanks and cages, did dishes, took out the garbage, made a grocery list, showered and got dressed. Family party at 230ish and then dinner with my dearest and oldest friend (yea, she personally knows all my skeletons), Tonya. Which brings me back to today. I want you all to know that you can do anything you want to. Seriously. Don't limit yourself. Take "I Can't" out of your vocabulary. I get more done in a weekend than some people do in a week. Why? Because I Can. Today after I found out that walking on tip toes feels good when your legs hurt this bad, I checked and returned emails, checked my kingdom (shut-up, a girl can dream can't she?), stalked a few more crossfit sites, joined pinterest- still don't understand it, worked on receipts for tax time, caught up on my 365 project, helped some friends, talked to mom, made lunches for tomorrow, and read a bit. Spawn came home stinking like a back alley bum, but so excited about his time at his friend's house. The fourth time I told him to get in the shower was very loud! Now... here I sit, thinking about work tomorrow, happy to have a job. Thinking about this week, happy to have friends and things to do and options to have. Mostly, wondering how bad it is going to suck getting up in the morning, but happy knowing I have my health which allows me to wake up every day. I love all of you and I love my life. I hope you realize how much you mean to me, and I hope you start meaning that much to yourself. Blessed Be Friends and Sleep Well...... xoxo
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